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venerdì 12 luglio 2013

Lucca Summer Festival

                                         THIRTY SECONDS TO MARS
                                                Support SIMONNE
Sabato 13 luglio 2013 saranno sul palco del Lucca Summer festival i Thirty Second To Mars in cui presenteranno brani del loro ultimo album dal titolo " This Is War",un trionfante ed epico lavoro costruito sulla visione creata con l’album del loro debutto nel 2002 e l’album A Beautiful Lie. This Is War e' un grande passo in avanti per i Thirty Seconds to Mars, che definisce il trio (il chitarrista e cantante Jared Leto, il batterista Shannon Leto e il chitarrista Tomo Malicevic) come un’affermata rock band internazionale. 

Il concerto si terrà sabato 13 luglio ore 21,00 in Piazza Napoleone
I prezzi sono i seguenti:
-Posto in Piedi €. 34.00 + booking fee
- Priority Entrance 
- Pacchetti VIP
Saturday, July 13, 2013 will be on stage at the Lucca Summer festival, ThirtyThirty Second to Mars that will present songs from their latest album "This Is War", a triumphant and epic work built on the vision created with their debut album in 2002 and the album A Beautiful Lie. This Is War and 'a big step forward for Thirty Seconds to Mars, which defines the trio (guitarist and singer Jared Leto, drummer Shannon Leto and guitarist Tomo Malicevic) as an established international rock band.

 The concert will be held Saturday, July 13 at 21.00 in Piazza Napoleone
The prices are as follows:

-Place Standing . 34.00 + booking fee
- Priority Entrance
- VIP Packages

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